
Bold is a Basic GFA game
Originaly created in 1989 and 1992
Released to the public in 2004
Bold is copyright © Laurent KERMEL

The game starts with Mars in the background. You start in Golem mode, you are free to use which ever mode you want in this stage, they are both fine. I personnally prefer the Wasp even if it has a weaker armour...

Your first enemies are really simple to beat and one hit should get rid of them. Do not miss the first power-up, the Orb-Laser. A floating orb will come in front of your ship and enhance your main gun.

Beware, parts of the scenery can be fatal if you hit them.

Those walking robots shoot are you, but they also have a suicide attack and will jump towards you if close enough. Make sure you destroy them before they do...

Do not miss this second power-up,the Tube Laser. This weapon is really powerful as it is not comsumed when it hits an enemy, it can also be upgraded later in the shop.

The Tube Laser is now floating behind you and will follow you everywhere you go.

Last power-up of stage 1, the Duo Missiles. Your ship should be now fully equiped with an Orb Laser, a Laser Tube and the missiles.

More and more waves of enemy ships. Those are carriers, beware of the dozen of small ships they drop behind them. Don't forget you are also carring Thunder Bombs which can be activated by pressing the space bar.

The boss is getting close now...

Here it it. Its two weak points are the two big flashing eyes and they have to be destroyed. Destroy the core!, stangely enough I only knew Gradius by name when I created Bold but I was probably inspired by The Bitmap Brothers' Xenon which uses the same design idea.

This boss slowly goes towards you and will crush your ship, the only way to avoid this if to be in Wasp mode and to go underneath it. You will find that you can probably destroy it before it reaches the left side of the screen, but you will have to use all your Thunder Bombs which is not ideal...

After a few hits it will finally explode. Notice there how your money is getting increased as the boss slowly slides to the right end of the screen. When this boss is close of being destroyed, just wait and only fire the last blow at the right time to get a maximum amount of money !

First time in the shop !
My advice is to sell the Duo Missiles as another power-up is waiting for you at the beginning of Stage 2. Keep the Orb-laser as it will also get upgraded in the next stage. I personally like to buy a first level of Auto Fire as it will be useful later in the game...
Time to rush to Stage 2 !

BOLD is ©1989,2004 - Laurent KERMEL