
Bold is a Basic GFA game
Originaly created in 1989 and 1992
Released to the public in 2004
Bold is copyright © Laurent KERMEL

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Here is the end of Bold. You now just exited the station and you are rushing though space towards the alien entity which has just escaped !

You are now slowly catching up with it. It fires floating aliens at you using its stong tentacles.

This part of the fight is not actually hard, just keep shooting. It may be wise to use Thunder Bombs to speed up the process.

Nearly there...

Fireworks and big explosion.

What is this coming out of it ? What do you mean it is not over yet ?...

You do not think it was going to be that easy do you ? It was just a shell and the alien entity is really fighting you now. Notice the Alien inspiration there ;)

The fight is not especially hard. The alien still fires the same rotation balls of energy and also a fireball from time to time.

He is gone for good now. This is the end.
Bold had originaly a short end sequence but the source code is unreadable, my floppy disk from 1990 is corrupted. Believe me it wasn't that amazing, but I would have loved to show it to you. But who know, I may find a copy one day on a forgotten backup disk...


BOLD is ©1989,2004 - Laurent KERMEL